Minecraft Dungeons: Season Pass

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 09/12/2020

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Continue the story and uncover the secrets of Minecraft Dungeons! With the Season Pass, you'll have access to the Howling Peaks DLC, Flames of the Nether DLC, Hidden Depths DLC and Echoing Void DLC! Plus, you'll get them at a discount compared to purchasing each separately. Take on new mobs, navigate new levels, collect unique items, and discover the story behind the brand-new missions in each DLC included in the Season Pass. And of course, with every new DLC comes more mysteries to solve and puzzles to unlock. Don't miss a beat with the Season Pass!

- Includes Howling Peaks DLC, Flames of the Nether DLC, Hidden Depths DLC and Echoing Void DLC
- Discover new mobs, levels, secrets, and items
- Get four DLCs and save over individual purchases

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Minecraft Dungeons: Season Pass


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