Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Digital Deluxe

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 06/09/2019
  • Action & Adventure

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Pre-order bonus:
- Yukumo Layered Armor Set

The base game "Monster Hunter: World," sold separately, is required in order to play this content.

Let your hunting instinct take you further than ever!

"Iceborne" is a massive expansion that picks up after the ending of Monster Hunter: World and opens up the new "master rank!"

New quests, monsters, weapons, armor, and story await to take your hunting to the next level!

"Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Digital Deluxe" content:
- "Monster Hunter World: Iceborne" (expansion)
- "Monster Hunter World: Iceborne" Deluxe Kit
- "Silver Knight" layered armor set
- 3 gestures
- 2 sticker sets
- 1 face paint
- 1 hairstyle
- 1 decor set (for room customization)

• Layered armor only changes your character's appearance. It does not include any weapons.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Digital Deluxe ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Digital Deluxe


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