1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 13/09/2019
  • Sports
  • 34.37 Go

Preis von NHL® 20 ansehen

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NHL 20 introduces cutting-edge gameplay innovation to showcase your skills, more customization to unlock your style, and new modes to compete with friends.

RPM Tech-powered gameplay introduces Signature Shots that replicate your favorite NHL players’ real-world shot styles. Over 45 new shot animations make every attack a threat, and new passing and puck pick-ups create faster, fluid gameplay executed at full speed.

A revamped broadcast package delivers all-new visuals and commentary. Combined with over 1,100 new customization items for your club and character, your biggest goals look incredible during the action and in the highlight reel.

Finally, NHL 20 adds three new game modes. HUT Squad Battles features weekly teams, built by athletes and artists, to challenge for unique rewards. The fan-favorite ONES can now be played with friends on the couch, and the all-new Eliminator mode in World of CHEL introduces winner-take-all competition where you and your friends compete to be the best in the barn.


NHL, the NHL Shield and the word mark and image of the Stanley Cup are registered trademarks of the National Hockey League. NHL and NHL team marks are the property of the NHL and its teams. NHL 2019. All Rights Reserved. Officially Licensed Product of the National Hockey League.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach NHL® 20


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