NHL® 23 Xbox Series X|S

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 14/10/2022
  • Sports
  • 39.83 Go

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EA SPORTS NHL 23 is greater together. Get the best players in the world on one lineup with the introduction of mixed women’s and men’s teams in HUT. Currently planned for November 2022, the arrival of cross-platform matchmaking for players on the same platform generation in WOC means deeper player pools, shorter queue times, and more teams for your squad to square up against. And now, add to your highlight reel with over 500 new Last Chance Puck Movement gameplay animations that let you control how a play unfolds after any level of contact is taken, from performing passes out of stumbles to desperation shots from the ice. Plus, overhauled strategy systems allow you to easily gameplan and finetune your playmaking skills. So grab your friends and gear up for the most dynamic, connected, and visually rich version of Chel yet.

This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.

Conditions & restrictions apply. See ea.com/legal for details.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach NHL® 23 Xbox Series X|S


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