NHL® 24 Standard Edition Xbox One

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 06/10/2023

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EA SPORTS NHL 24’s all-new gameplay features bring authentic on-ice action to life. Experience the rush and fatigue of a high-pressure game with the Exhaust Engine, where sustained pressure in the attack zone leads to new game-changing effects like goalie fatigue that slows the netminder’s reaction time the more they get worn down with offensive action; change the momentum with Physics-Based Contact as you break the glass and send players into the bench with big body checks; and get unparalleled player command with the new Vision Passing System and Total Control Skill Moves. Chel is more connected than ever with cross-play in all online team play modes, along with HUT Moments, which lets you recreate classic moments in hockey history and today’s biggest plays. Adding an extra layer of authenticity, Flex Moments introduces 75+ new goal celebrations, and a wholly refreshed presentation complements an enriched crowd atmosphere that makes playing the game feel like you’re at the game.

Pre-order* EA SPORTS NHL 24 Standard Edition and receive:

-HUT Power Up Icon Choice Pack
-WOC Battle Pass XP Modifier (x2)

This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.
*Conditions & restrictions apply. See http://www.ea.com/games/nhl/nhl-24/game-and-offer-disclaimers for details.
†Offers may vary or change. See retailer site for details.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in NHL® 24 Standard Edition Xbox One


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