  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 10/06/2021
  • Action & Adventure
  • 4.33 Go

Preis von NINJA GAIDEN Σ2 ansehen

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Become Ryu Hayabusa, the ninja who inherited the "Dragon Sword", a legendary blade, and once again experience high-speed ninja action in which you face battles all over the world. The game is also packed with additional features such as "Hero Mode", a mode in which the player will guard automatically when they are in a pinch.

■In "NINJA RACE", life or death depends on speed
"NINJA RACE" is a mode in which you must race across the map within the time limit while fighting high-speed battles. In this mode, the number of enemies you defeat in succession is counted as your "Kill Combo", and by stringing together a high Kill Combo, your attack power will increase dramatically. Also, you can pick up speed-up and time increasing items along the way, so attacking non-stop, defeating enemies as fast as possible, and gathering items will be essential to your strategy.

■Along with Hayabusa, 3 heroines dazzlingly dash about the battlefield
Heroines from the "NINJA GAIDEN" series, "Ayane", "Rachel", and "Momiji" appear as playable characters. With "TAG MISSIONS", players can select 2 characters from among Hayabusa and the 3 heroines, allowing them to switch between 2 playable characters as they complete their mission.

Note: This product is included in "NINJA GAIDEN: Master Collection", and "NINJA GAIDEN: Master Collection Deluxe Edition". It is not available for individual purchase.
Note: If you are using Windows 11, the requirements for the PC version will conform to the Windows 11 system requirements.
Note: For details regarding the PC version, please check the official website.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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