NTBSS Top Secret Training Set - Naruto Uzumaki

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 14/11/2024
  • Multi-player Online Battle Arena
  • 0.01 Go

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This Training Set allows instant access to Naruto Uzumaki Starter Pack characters' Ninjutsu, Secret Techniques, and items normally only available for your avatar at Training Rank 5.

■ Naruto Uzumaki Starter Pack Characters
● Training Rank Reward x5
- Naruto Uzumaki (BORUTO)
- Naruto Uzumaki (Last Battle)
- Naruto Uzumaki (Baryon Mode)
- Naruto Uzumaki (Young Ver.)

*Once you purchase the DLC, items can be claimed from the Gift Box at the Inn.
*Purchasing this Training Set will only give you access to Ninjutsu, Secret Techniques, or items from DLC characters you have purchased.
*Purchasing this Training Set will not increase your Training Rank for the listed masters.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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