Nerf Legends Digital Deluxe

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 19/11/2021

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NERF Legends launches you into a futuristic, sci-fi world where you come face-to-face with legions of robot enemies and ultimate boss masters. Armed with a powerful arsenal of NERF blasters based on their iconic, real-world counterparts, you battle formidable enemies while being challenged to pull off the most impressive high-flying trick shots across a series of unique and immersive environments. Plus, the Digital Deluxe edition includes the Alpha Pack, which adds content not included in the base game!

Digital Deluxe Edition Includes:

• The Elite 2.0 Echo CS-10 blaster in both its true-to-life blue and orange color and four additional color variations!
• The Elite 2.0 Phoenix CS-6 blaster complete with scope and five optional color variations.
• A new Alpha Suit, customizable in ten different colors.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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