PUBG - Survivor Pass 4 : AFTERMATH

  1. Games
  • Consumable
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 23/08/2019
  • Shooter

Preis von PUBG - Survivor Pass 4 : AFTERMATH ansehen

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Explore the Battlegrounds like never before with 'Survivor Pass 4 : AFTERMATH'

For your Battleground, Survivor Pass 4: AFTERMATH provides approximately 400 Daily, Weekly missions, as well as premium missions and Challenge missions. Complete the missions and unlock more than 100 rewards, including “Red Zoned” for the UAZ, the first-ever vehicle skin you get just for upgrading to Survivor Pass 4: Aftermath. Jump in today and remaster your Erangel wardrobe!

• Survivor Pass 4 : AFTERMATH and Levels can be purchased separately through in-game store.

(Source :


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