PUBG - Survivor Pass: Grunge Queen Premium Pack

  1. Games
  • Consumable
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 18/06/2024
  • Shooter

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Go full goth mode with Survivor Pass: Grunge Queen. Includes Survivor's Chests, Keys, and a 10-level boost.

- Survivor Pass: Grunge Queen
- 10 Levels
- Survivor's Chest (x2)
- Key (x2)

* If both SURVIVOR PASS and SURVIVOR PASS PREMIUM PACK has been purchased, duplicated SURVIVOR PASS will be exchanged and provided in-game as G-Coin.
* If your purchase causes you to exceed level 30, the excess levels will be returned as 1 Level items, which can be used for the next Pass.
* Please note that this package contains items with randomized probabilities. For detailed probabilities, please visit

(Source :

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