Persona 5 Tactica: Digital Deluxe Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 17/11/2023

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Additional Personas will become available to summon in-game. After becoming the Trickster's masks, picaro versions of two Personas will be added to the Persona Compendium.

Pre-order now to get the following digital bonuses:
• Orpheus Picaro
• Izanagi Picaro

Join the Phantom Thieves as they lead an uprising of the heart! Assemble a team of beloved heroes in a brand-new story in this thrilling combat adventure set in Persona’s iconic universe. The Persona 5 Tactica: Digital Deluxe Edition includes the following content:

• Base Game
• Persona 5 Tactica: Repaint Your Heart Challenge Pack
• Persona 5 Tactica: Weapon Pack
• Persona 5 Tactica: Picaro Summoning Pack + Raoul Persona

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Persona 5 Tactica: Digital Deluxe Edition


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