Pinball FX3 - Star Wars™ Pinball: Season 2 Bundle

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 12/09/2018

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Star Wars Pinball Season 2 Bundle confronts the First Order, secures the Death Star plans, and makes the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs (if you round down) with 9 awesome tables inspired by the latest in Star Wars films and television (2015–2018). This collection includes four outstanding packs from the Pinball Masters at Zen Studios for one low price:

• Star Wars Pinball: The Force Awakens Pack
o Star Wars Pinball: The Force Awakens
o Star Wars Pinball: Might of the First Order

• Star Wars Pinball: The Last Jedi
o Star Wars Pinball: The Last Jedi
o Star Wars Pinball: Ahch-To Island

• Star Wars Pinball: Solo Pack
o Star Wars Pinball: Solo
o Star Wars Pinball: Calrissian Chronicles
o Star Wars Pinball: Battle of Mimban

• Star Wars Pinball: Unsung Heroes
o Star Wars Pinball: Rogue One
o Star Wars Rebels

You might want to buckle up, baby.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Pinball FX3 - Star Wars™ Pinball: Season 2 Bundle


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