Plants vs. Zombies

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 30/07/2015
  • Other
  • 0.06 Go

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Sewn together from the meaty bits of PopCap's hit title, Plants vs. Zombies Pinball brings the zombie invasion to the pinball playfield. It's time to grow your plants, collect sunlight, plant your defenses, and repel the Zombie Invasion!

Table features:
War and Peas table modes! Use times of peace to grow your garden and collect sunlight as you prepare for the zombie invasion! In times of war, protect the neighborhood and fend off hordes of zombies!
Collect money and sunlight to buy plants, defenses and zombie-repelling weapons!
The playfield becomes a garden of defenses to defeat the zombies!
Activate Chomper kickbacks to look after stray balls.
Visit Crazy Dave's Twiddy Dinkies for some odds and ends.
Use the Melon Pult to bombard unwelcome visitors!
Challenge Dr. Zomboss and defeat his mighty Zombot.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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