Play OnRush free for a limited time

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 05/06/2018
  • Sports, Action & Adventure, Racing & Flying, Social

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Play OnRush free for a limited time

ONRUSH heralds the return of all-action, gravity defying, arcade racing. A celebration of sensational speed, outright fun and over the top spectacle ONRUSH is a racing game where you are always in the heart of the action. ONRUSH is not about racing to the finish line. It’s not about car set up or tyre choice. It’s all about style, flair and the feeling of performing incredible takedowns, racing on the edge of control and risking everything in an effort to take the victory for your team. No arcade game would be complete without Boost, and ONRUSH takes this to the next level with RUSH – the ultimate racing power up. A devastating and exhilarating burst of energy and power, RUSH is a true game changer that can wreak havoc and destroy your competition.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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