Pure Chess

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 09/09/2016
  • Action & Adventure, Classics, Card & Board, Strategy, Simulation
  • 0.48 Go

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Experience the game of chess like you've never seen it before. Download Pure Chess to see how stunning and beautiful chess can really be.

Download Pure Chess to experience chess the way it's meant to be played, in stunning high definition.

Experience one of the oldest known boardgames on the advanced technology of today. With ultra-realistic visuals you can almost reach out and touch the pieces. Pure Chess is a game that can be played by everyone, at any age, but mastered by only a few.
The question is...Are you a Grandmaster in the making?


• Staunton, Checker, and Williams chess sets created with stunning detail and precision
• Museum, Penthouse, and Library locations beautifully portrayed
• Comprehensive tutorial that teaches you basic, intermediate, and advanced chess techniques
• 3 Tournaments to test your tactics
• 100 Bonus chess puzzles to ponder over
• Play against up to 8 of your friends
• Track your ELO and Tournament ratings in the ranking boards

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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