Pure Farming 2018

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 13/03/2018

Preis von Pure Farming 2018 ansehen

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Pre-order the game and receive the following bonuses:
- Germany Map
- Exclusive Outfit Pack

Pre-order Pure Farming 2018 to receive a brand-new map located in Germany and 3 exclusive outfits for your in-game character.


Use licensed machines to manage all aspects of modern farming, from cultivating land and growing crops, to breeding livestock and producing green energy. Travel between continents to plant region-specific crops such as hemp, cherries, and olives using dedicated vehicles. Farm your way with three modes tailored to both simulation veterans and newcomers to farming games.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Pure Farming 2018

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Pure Farming 2018


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