REVEIL - Funhouse Pack

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 06/03/2024

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The Funhouse Pack contains:

-REVEIL Original Soundtrack: 14 original compositions, beautiful and haunting.
-Digital Artbook: A look behind the scenes of the game, featuring concept art and inspirations.
-Black and White Camera Filter: Use this in game for vintage horror atmosphere.
-Audio Plays: A selection of audio plays recorded with the game's voice actors, more bits and pieces from the world of REVEIL.
-Developer Commentary: Commentary by the developers to be found in-game, for even more background insights.

Disclaimer: Optional camera effect & Developer Commentary will be unlocked after the first playthrough.

(Source :

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in REVEIL - Funhouse Pack


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