Ravenswatch - Legendary Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 28/11/2024

Preis von Ravenswatch - Legendary Edition ansehen

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MTCGame 36.18 € (EUR)   36.18  


Choose a side and show your support for the game with the Legendary Edition.
* Ravenswatch game
* Ravens Skin Pack: 9 exclusive Ravenswatch-themed outfits for Scarlet, Beowulf, Snow Queen, Pied Piper, Aladdin, Geppetto, Sun Wukong, Melusine and Carmilla. Available from the hero selection menu.
* Nightmares Skin Pack: 9 exclusive Nightmare-themed outfits for the same heroes and available from the same menu.
* Digital Soundtrack: an enchanting musical adventure! Immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of Ravenswatch with the game's original soundtrack, mastered on a 20-track album.
* Digital Artbook: 150 pages of concept art and illustrations that recount the graphical design of the game, from pencil sketches to 3D animation.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Ravenswatch - Legendary Edition

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Ravenswatch - Legendary Edition


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