1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 06/05/2020
  • Action & Adventure, Platformer, Classics
  • 0.11 Go

Preis von Reed 2 ansehen

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Reed awakens… to the memories of the old supercomputer… Reed failed. The reboot failed and now the digital world is once again breaking down. Before the old supercomputer malfunctioned, it gave Reed backup files that must be delivered to the Developer.

Collect information cubes once again in a desolate version of the last remnants of the digital world. Dodge floor spikes, razor blades, enemies, and wall arrows to reach the next stage! Find hidden survivors trying to escape from the new horrors of the corruption.

The virtual world is now doomed, can you get to the Developer?

* 52 levels to conquer
* Desolate pixel art graphics
* Ambient chilling OST

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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