Rogue Company: Ultimate Founder's Pack

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 20/07/2020

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Get your head in the game, and let’s put on a show!

Save the Day, Look Good, and Get Paid with The Rogue Company Ultimate Founder's Pack. Instantly unlock eight extra playable Rogues and a cache chock full of cosmetic items to swag them out. Plus, you’ll also get 1500 Rogue Bucks to make it rain in the in game store.

This Bundle includes:

Eight Extra Playable Rogues: Phantom, Chaac, Lancer, Vy, Scorch, Talon, Gl1tch, and Dahlia
Rare Exterminatin Chaac Outfit
Epic Night Runner Lancer Outfit
Rare Chalked Spray
Epic Leg Day Dance Emote
1500 Rogue Bucks
Rare Speed Demon Ronin Outfit
Epic Solar Flare Weapon Wrap
Epic Superstar Dance Emote
Rare Founder Spray

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Rogue Company: Ultimate Founder's Pack

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Rogue Company: Ultimate Founder's Pack


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