SMITE 2 Founder's Edition

  1. Games
  • Consumable
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 21/03/2024
  • Multi-player Online Battle Arena

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Become a Founding Deity in the Unreal Engine 5-powered sequel to the legendary third-person action MOBA.

Play as Gods from across mythology and wield unique godly abilities. Hurl bolts of lightning as Zeus, master the arcane powers of death as Anubis, or backstab your foes as Loki – The choice is yours with the SMITE 2 Founder's Edition.

With the Founder's Edition, you’ll unlock:
- SMITE 2 full game access
- All current and future SMITE 2 Gods, forever
- SMITE 2 Founder Avatar
- Cross-Gen SMITE 2 Mega Fan Title
- 2x Legacy Gems Booster

(Source :

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