SMITE x TMNT Plus Bundle

  1. Games
  • Consumable
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 30/10/2020
  • Multi-player Online Battle Arena

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Cowabunga! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles join the Battleground of the Gods in an all-new Battle Pass.

This crossover includes the heroes in a half-shell as Skins for community-loved Gods: Loki, Sun Wukong, Mercury, and Osiris.

The TMNT Plus Bundle is the best way to get started on the Battle Pass. Instantly unlock Leonardo Osiris, Raphael Loki, and all rewards up to level 25 in the TMNT Battle Pass. Plus: you’ll get all four Gods featured in the pass, and their Voice Packs.

This bundle includes:
- TMNT Battle Plus Pass
- Loki, Sun Wukong, Mercury, Osiris, and their Voice Packs.

(Source :


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