1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 15/04/2019
  • Action & Adventure, Other
  • 6.67 Go

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Japan 7699 ¥ (JPY)   47.99  




November, 2010. The beta worldline.
This is the story of what happened after Rintaro Okabe gave up on saving Kurisu Makise on July 28th.

Okabe tried his best to forget his feelings for Kurisu and his passion for the time machine. He barely ever went to the lab, and dedicated himself to living the life of a normal college student.
And then one day, at a school seminar, he meets Maho Hiyajo.
She was one of Kurisu's fellow researchers at the Viktor Chondria Brain Science Institute. She'd come to Japan as an assistant to Dr. Leskinen, who would be giving a lecture there.
At the time, Okabe had no idea that the system that she and Dr. Leskinen were working on, "Amadeus", would bring him back into the world of shadows and conspiracies…

Or that "she" was there waiting for him, even now…

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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