Sandrock Online

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 15/06/2024
  • Action & Adventure, Role Playing, Family & kids
  • 12.11 Go

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You will need to own the single-player version of "My Time at Sandrock" to play the multiplayer mode.

Hi builder, welcome to the vibrant and passionate town of Sandrock, and now you can invite up to 3 friends to join this adventure.
In multiplayer, NPCs in town will issue a variety of interesting tasks for you and your friends. By working closely with your friends to complete these tasks, you'll not only build more beautiful town buildings, which will make Sandrock more prosperous, but also bring a rich diversity of gameplay. For example, you can play mahjong with your friends during your free time, enjoying relaxed and pleasant leisure moments.

Additionally, you and your friends are free to develop different relationships with the NPCs in Sandrock. You can build deep friendships with NPCs or pursue romantic relationships. In Sandrock, your story is for yourself to write.

In the Multiplayer mode of "My Time at Sandrock", you will experience countless memorable moments with your friends. We look forward to you bringing more joy and vitality to Sandrock. Please have a great time!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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