1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 06/03/2018

Preis von Scribblenauts Showdown ansehen

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It’s Scribblenauts, party-style! Use your imagination and go head-to-head in the ultimate multiplayer showdown! Enjoy a party-style Scribblenauts experience, conjuring from over 35,000 objects from the vast Scribblenauts dictionary to outsmart your opponent in over 25 mini-games!

• Play solo or with up to 4 of your friends in Showdown Mode and imagine your way to victory through card-based strategy and creative skill.
• Face off against a friend or the CPU in Versus Mode.
• Go nuts in the Sandbox - Create Anything in 8 different Sandbox levels and watch what happens, solo or with a friend.
• Create your own Scribblenaut by unlocking hundreds of wacky costume pieces and vehicles.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Scribblenauts Showdown


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