Sea of Thieves Cursed Companions Bundle

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 16/10/2019
  • Action & Adventure

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Spread a little spookiness with the Skeleton Marmoset and Skeleton Cockatoo – cursed pets for a cursed pirate! You also get the Taunt Emote Bundle which contains four ways for a brazen pirate to express themselves, along with 550 Ancient Coins to spend on any other premium cosmetics. Buy this bundle to also get a free bonus of 25,000 gold, perfect for honing your rather grave in-game style.

The Cursed Companions Bundle contains 550 Ancient Coins, the Skeleton Cockatoo, Skeleton Marmoset and four taunt-themed emotes, plus a free 25,000 gold bonus.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Sea of Thieves Cursed Companions Bundle ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert


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