Sonic Colors: Ultimate - Digital Deluxe

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 07/09/2021

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MTCGame 30.26 € (EUR)   30.26  


The evil Dr. Eggman has built an interstellar amusement park – but he’s powering it with a captured alien race called “Wisps.” Use Sonic’s speed to free the Wisps and gain their amazing powers as you explore six unique worlds, filled with hurdles to overcome. Now with stunning upscaled visuals, additional features, a new game mode and enhanced gameplay - it's the Ultimate Sonic Colors experience

Sonic Colors: Ultimate Digital Deluxe includes the Ultimate Cosmetic Pack (Customize Sonic and stand out with exclusive gold and silver gloves and shoes, an electric boost and aura from the hit Sonic movie and exclusive Sonic movie themed player icons), the Ultimate Music Pack (3 exclusive original game remixes to set the pace for you while you put an end to Dr. Eggman), as well as early access and your own exclusive player icons.

Pre-Order Now For Bonus Items -
- Early Access - Hit the ground running and experience Sonic Colors Ultimate early
- Exclusive Player Icons - Stand out from the crowd with your own exclusive player icons

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Sonic Colors: Ultimate - Digital Deluxe

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Sonic Colors: Ultimate - Digital Deluxe


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