State of Decay: Year-One

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 28/04/2015
  • Action & Adventure, Strategy, Simulation
  • 3.92 Go

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MTCGame 6.44 € (EUR)   6.44  



State of Decay: Year-One brings the hit zombie survival-fantasy franchise to Xbox One. Delivered in beautifully remastered 1080p, along with improved lighting, textures, animations, and combat mechanics, State of Decay: Year-One pulls you even deeper into the post-outbreak world. Make your stand against the collapse of society in the ultimate zombie survival-fantasy game. Explore an open world full of dangers and opportunities that respond to your every decision. Recruit a community of playable survivors, each with their own unique skills and talents. Design and fortify your base against the relentless hordes of the undead. Perform daring raids for food and ammunition, and do whatever it takes to live another day.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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