Steep™ – Winter Games Gold Edition

  1. Games
  • Backward-Compatibility
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 05/12/2017

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Steep Winter Games Gold Edition includes Steep, the massive open world of the Alps and Alaska, where you master the world’s most epic mountainswith a snowboard, wingsuit, paraglider and skis. Steep - Road to the Olympics takes you on the journey to become an Olympic Winter Games champion

With Steep Road to the Olympics expansion, freely explore iconic Japanese mountains, and train to qualify for Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018 in South Korea

Steep Road to the Olympics is an official licensed product of Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018

Includes Steep, Steep Season Pass and the Steep Road to the Olympics expansion.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Steep™ – Winter Games Gold Edition

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Steep™ – Winter Games Gold Edition


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