Stellaris: Necroids Species Pack

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 11/11/2021
  • Strategy
  • 0.01 Go

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Necroids, an intelligent undead species that live death to the fullest, will allow players to form empires that thrive where others might perish - and perish that others might thrive!
The Necroids Species Pack features a brand new selection of portraits, civics, ship sets and other cosmetics for players who don’t fear the afterlife, and a unique Necrophage origin with new civics.

● 1 New Origin - Necrophage
● 3 New Civics:
○ Death Cult: enables powerful edicts which require the sacrificing of pops
○ Reanimated Armies: allows the deployment of morality-immune, undead armies
○ Memorialists: erect monuments to the galaxy’s past, improving planetary stability and honouring tomb worlds
● 16 new portraits (15 organic, 1 robotic)
● New ship set
● New advisor voiceover
● New city set & diplomacy room
● New Name lists
● New building appearances

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Stellaris: Necroids Species Pack ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert

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