1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 21/06/2017
  • Action & Adventure, Puzzle & Trivia, Strategy, Simulation
  • 1.36 Go

Preis von Super Bomb Rush! ansehen

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USA 7.49 $ (USD)   7.22  




A new era of hardcore Defuse 'em Up has begun!

Super Bomb Rush is a quick fire, highly challenging, retro inspired, bomb defusal arcade smash! You'll need nerves of steel and pixel perfect timing to overcome an onslaught of twitchy, insta-kill bombs, only to discover that the better you get, the more complex the bomb engine becomes!

Can you clear all 50 and proclaim yourself a Master of defusal? Just remember to REMAIN CALM!


- Addictive, challenging, yet rewarding bomb defusal action!

- Arcade Mode beckons with 50 intense bombs to conquer!

- Versus Mode allows you to challenge a friend to a duel to the boom!

- Co-op Mode allows you and a friend (or friends!) to work together to overcome the barrage as a team!

- Goal Rush Mode is a unique, stage-based quest mode where you tackle fiendish challenges!

- Delve deeper into SBR! by completing special Challenges that unlock super-secret content!

- Music produced by ArgoFox. A soundtrack so full of pure energy and filthy bass, it should be made illegal!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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