1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 18/10/2016

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Team17 swings into action and delivers a beefed up, muscle-bound slice of awesome Indie action in the Team17 Indie Heroes Pack for Xbox One!

Games included in this bundle:

The Escapists - The award winning prison break simulation that lets players experience a light-hearted insight into everyday prison life. Master the routine, plan your strategy then execute your Escape.

Not A Hero: Super Snazzy Edition - The funstoppable 2.25D pixelated action opus from Roll7. Shoot, slide and execute your way through 28 levels of incredibly British action and humour.

Sheltered - A deep and emotional post-apocalyptic survival management game. 

Olli Olli2: XL Edition - The definitive edition of the acclaimed skating game. It introduces the brand-new Free-Skate mode; extended, chilled levels to learn the ropes and nail those expert tricks.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Team17 Indie Heroes Pack

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Team17 Indie Heroes Pack


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