The Chant - Pre-Order Bundle

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 03/11/2022

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PRE-ORDER CONTENT INCLUDES – The base game plus a 1970s themed in-game VFX filter mode, an exclusive 1970s inspired spiritual retreat outfit.

A Spiritual Nigthmare

A single-player, third person horror action-adventure game set on a remote island spiritual retreat. A peaceful weekend soon turns to dread after a group chant opens The Gloom, a psychedelic dimension of terror that feeds off negative energy. Interact with a recurring cast of characters, untangle the complex history of the island, and witness terrifying revelations about the cosmos. Only you can fight off the creatures, reason with the survivors, and unravel the legacy of a cult from the 1970s to reverse the ritual.

(Source :

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