The Settlers®: New Allies

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 16/11/2022
  • Strategy
  • 10.50 Go

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The Settlers: New Allies is a strategy game with an in-depth build-up experience and real-time strategic battles.

- Fully reimagined from the ground up, with stunning graphics and detailed animations.
- Choose among three factions: the Elari, the Maru, and the Jorn. Each has a unique look, playstyle, and background story.
- Experience a story-driven campaign set in the world of The Settlers, or go for the special Hardcore mode and its additional challenges.
- Play online with up to eight players in thrilling skirmish battles against other players or AI for long-lasting fun.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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