The Surge: Complete Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 05/12/2017

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Survive the ultimate and extended experience of the hardcore action-RPG The Surge! The Complete Edition includes the full game, its expansion and all its DLCs:

This bundle includes:
• The full game
• A Walk in the Park expansion
• Fire & Ice Weapon Pack DLC
• CREO Special Employee Kit DLC

A catastrophic event has knocked you out during the first day on the job… you wake up equipped with a heavy-grade exoskeleton, in a destroyed section of the complex. Robots gone haywire, insane augmented co-workers and rogue AI - everything wants you dead. Defy deadly enemies and huge bosses in tight, visceral melee combat. Target and slice specific limbs off your foes, with a next-gen loot system where you loot what you dismember. Equip, upgrade and craft new weapons and armors sliced from enemies, and make yourself stronger through a fresh take on leveling-up.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach The Surge: Complete Edition

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in The Surge: Complete Edition


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