Train Sim World® 4: Deluxe Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 21/09/2023

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MTCGame 30.68 € (EUR)   30.68  


Have even more Power of Simulation in your hands with Train Sim World 4 Deluxe Edition!

Drive the most famous locomotive in the world, Flying Scotsman, celebrating its 100th anniversary – embark on special services to commemorate its legacy. Enter Germany and explore the rails of Dresden with the iconic Vectron in Railpool livery! This new loco making a bold appearance on additional heavy freight services. Deluxe Edition includes all 3 routes from Standard Edition, as well as Flying Scotsman, Nahverkehr Dresden - Riesa and Railpool BR 193 Vectron.

FREE ROAM! Pick any train you want and drive it wherever you want – you have control over how to run routes in your way. Take a photo and make the memories last with PHOTO MODE and GALLERY. Get creative with the upgraded SCENARIO PLANNER and LIVERY DESIGNER. Share your hard work with other players through CREATORS CLUB.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach Train Sim World® 4: Deluxe Edition


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