Two Point Museum: Explorer Upgrade Pack

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 04/03/2025
  • Simulation
  • 0.13 Go

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Two Point County’s most daring adventurers have travelled to the far reaches of the known map and returned with unique artefacts to host in your museum, along with the coordinates of a new expedition location, home to an exclusive special exhibit and events!

The Explorer Upgrade Pack brings a selection of decorative items to embellish your halls, walls and floors with bespoke designs and well travelled statues. As well as exclusive items to help your experts replenish faster to send out on more expeditions. See a full list of the contents

• 5000 Kudosh!
• Exclusive Map Location to explore for unique exhibit
• Exclusive pop-up challenge museum
• Prestige Package - start your museum with a rare, high buzz level item
• Explorer staff outfit
• Additional interactive display
• Decorative arch way
• 2 decorative items
• Explorer ticket desk theme
• Explorer helicopter skin
• 3 unique statues
• 3 floor decorations, 3 wallpapers
• 3 bench styles
• Staff Replenishment Trunk which provides additional bonuses after a perilous expedition!

(Source :

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