UNO Ultimate Edition: UNO + UNO Flip!

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 17/03/2020

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Get the complete collection for one of the most iconic games with the UNO Ultimate Edition which contains UNO, UNO FLIP!, plus Winter, Just Dance and Rayman themed UNO cards.

Match cards either by color or value to race against other players.
Brace yourself for a new UNO experience with the UNO FLIP! DLC! Rediscover the iconic game with a double-sided deck and new Action cards that give to the classic gameplay an exciting twist. With the special Flip card, flip the deck, choose to play nice with the "Light Side" Action cards or to spice things up with the "Dark Side" ones like Draw five, Skip Everyone or Wild draw color.

Bring your UNO matches to the next level with this Ultimate Edition!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach UNO Ultimate Edition: UNO + UNO Flip!

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in UNO Ultimate Edition: UNO + UNO Flip!


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