Ultimate Danger Bundle

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 07/12/2018

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3 explosive games in one fun packed 'Ultimate Danger Bundle '.

The Ultimate Danger Bundle includes all 3 of Three Fields Entertainment's 'Dangerous' games - Dangerous Golf, Danger Zone and the all new Danger Zone 2.

If you’re looking for games to play with the whole family these three games are the perfect choice. Ideal for players of all skills levels and ages, guaranteed to put a smile on everyone’s faces and bring happiness and laughter into your home. And we believe that’s what games should be all about!

All games are suitable for a wide range of age groups and skill levels.

Dangerous Golf is an over the top trick shot golf game played indoors - smash up the room with an explosive golf ball before you sink the putt in an outrageous trick shot.

Danger Zone features a virtual Crash Testing Facility where players step into the shoes of a Crash Test driver and are challenged to survive a variety of spectacular crash testing scenarios.

Danger Zone 2 takes the crash testing action out of the Test Area and onto real public roads. With a wide variety of cars, levels and objective based gameplay

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Ultimate Danger Bundle


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