Unicorn Overlord Monarch Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 08/03/2024

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MTCGame 53.25 € (EUR)   53.25  


Pre-order now and receive exclusive in-game insignias with the ATLUS x Vanillaware Heraldry Pack, a fan-focused DLC set that lets you customize the Liberation Army’s flag with​
emblem designs from "Odin Sphere," "Dragon's Crown," and "13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim".​

Pre-order available until March 7, 2024

The Unicorn Overlord Monarch Edition contains
- 16-bit Arranged Music Album (20 tracks)
- Digital Artbook (132 pages)

Liberate Your Kingdom, Reclaim Your Destiny

From the masterminds that brought 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, Odin Sphere, and Dragon's Crown, ATLUS x Vanillaware presents the rebirth of tactical fantasy RPG. Fight against fate and embark on a royal adventure to regain your reign alongside trustworthy allies.

Unicorn Overlord combines the timeless tactical RPG genre with overworld exploration and innovative battle system for a unique epic fantasy experience in the iconic Vanillaware style.

Key Features:
· Traverse a vibrant world, assemble units and direct them into exquisitely animated battles
· Perform heroic deeds and grow renown throughout the five nations
· Cultivate a grand army with over 60 unique characters, from humans and elves to massive beasts and heavenly angels

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Unicorn Overlord Monarch Edition


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