Vigor - Expedition: Absolution

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 27/07/2022
  • Shooter

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Until the scientists find absolution for us all, the Outlands remain a dangerous place. Arm yourself with everything you need for an expedition into the unforgiving Norwegian wilderness.

This pack includes:
- Field Researcher (Absolution) Uniform set
- Expedition Guard (Absolution) Headgear set
- 5x L86A1 LSW + 150 x Ammo: 5.56x45 NATO
- 3x L86A1 LSW skins:
* Brush Brown
* Dot Pattern
* Spray Jungle
- 3x Bugle F1 + 75 x Ammo: 5.56x45 NATO
- Rectangle Black Skin for Bugle F1
- 3x ADR-97 + 150 x Ammo 5.7x28
- Snow White Skin for ADR-97
- 10x Radiation Grenade
- 10x Iodine
- 7x Armor Plate
- 2500x Crowns

This pack may only be purchased once per account and is available for a limited time.

(Source :

Vigor - Expedition: Absolution ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert


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