Vigor - Fallen Crown of DayZ

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 21/09/2022
  • Shooter

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Seize the fallen crown of DayZ! Hannah will finally confront her destined foe. No matter who comes out victorious, no king rules forever. Take on the mantle of this iconic duo and write your own story in the Outlands!

This pack includes:
- Zone Patrol (Flecktarn Brown) Uniform set
- King's Helmet (Yellow Crown) Headgear set
- Flannel Shirt (Hannah) Uniform set
- Wool Hat (Hannah)
- Mark of the Yellow King Facepaint
- 3x SVD + 100x ammo (7.62x54)
- 2x SVD skins:
* Flecktarn Brown
* Flecktarn Desert
- 3x M1911 + 80 x ammo (.45 ACP)
- M1911 skin Royal Decree
- 1000x Crowns

This pack may only be purchased once per account and is available for a limited time.

(Source :

Vigor - Fallen Crown of DayZ ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert


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