WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate Pre-order

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 14/02/2020

Preis von WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate Pre-order ansehen

Dieses Spiel wurde seit 96h Stunden nicht aktuallisiert. Eine Preisaktuallisierung ist in Bearbeitung
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The supreme "WARRIORS OROCHI" experience is here!
The definitive installment of the "WARRIORS OROCHI 4", featuring all the content of the WARRIORS OROCHI 4: The Ultimate Upgrade Pack, is available now.

Please see the official website for details.

This product features WARRIORS OROCHI 4 base game in a bundle with WARRIORS OROCHI 4: The Ultimate Upgrade Pack.
If you already own WARRIORS OROCHI 4, please purchase the WARRIORS OROCHI 4: The Ultimate Upgrade Pack separately instead.
This content requires the latest patch update installed before use.
A Deluxe Edition is also available.

Pre-order Bonus
- Bonus Mount "Infernal Black"
- Growth Points 300,000

Early Purchase Bonus (for purchases made before Mar.6, 2020)
- 4 Bonus Costumes: Gaia + 3 others later (Zhou Yu, Oichi, and Da Ji)

The WO4 base game will be available for download immediately after the purchase is processed, but other content will be available on Feb.14, 2020.
After purchasing the content, it is not possible to cancel or receive a refund.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Liste der verfügbaren DLCs nach WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate Pre-order

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate Pre-order


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