Warframe®: Starter Pack

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 19/12/2017
  • Shooter

Preis von Warframe®: Starter Pack ansehen

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Get a great deal on currency and items to kickstart your experience with 3-Day Boosters, 300 Platinum, and more!

Pack Includes:
- 300 Platinum: Warframe’s premium currency. Use this to buy Warframes, Weapons, Cosmetics, and more
- 3 Day Affinity and Resource Booster: Level up weapons and collect crafting materials at double the rate
- Hawk Mod Pack: Gain 5 random Mods
- Streamline Mod: Increase a Warframe’s Ability Efficiency
- Orokin Catalyst: Double the Mod capacity of a Weapon
- Orokin Reactor: Double the Mod capacity of a Warframe
- Pyra Syandana: Customize your Warframe with this fiery cape-like cosmetic
- Nava Glyph and Sigil : Pay respect to the Lotus with this elegant Glyph and Sigil

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Warframe®: Starter Pack ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in Warframe®: Starter Pack


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