World of Tanks: Modern Armor — Combined Might

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 07/12/2022
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter
  • 0.01 Go

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Ausschließlich im Bundle verfügbar


It's time to join forces! The special Combined Might bundle allows you to add a ship and tank (along with more items) to your stash, so that you can dominate in both World of Warships: Legends and World of Tanks: Modern Armor.

The bundle includes:

World of Warships: Legends content:
Japanese Tier II Premium ship Katori
1 day of Premium account
Rare Ship XP Boosters (5)

World of Tanks: Modern Armor content:
American Tier II T2 Light Tank Light Tank
1 day of Premium Account
x2 Vehicle XP Booster (3)

(Source :

Bundles die dieses item enthalten

World of Tanks: Modern Armor — Combined Might ist in diesen Bundles verfügbar


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