World of Tanks Modern Armor - Patricia Laserian

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 11/02/2025

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Only fire and retribution await the Enemies of the Emperor. Deliver His vengeance to your opponents with Patricia Laserian of the Adepta Sororitas in charge of your tank.

Bundle includes:
• Patricia Laserian 3D Hero Commander
• Patricia Laserian 2D Standard Commander
• Emblems: Ecclesiarchy’s Hand of Vengeance (3)
• Emblems: Sister Lucia (3)
• Inscriptions: Adepta Sororitas (3)

3D Hero Commanders start with three open Skill slots and earn Commander XP at a +30% bonus rate.

2D Standard Commanders start with one open Skill slot and earn Commander XP at the standard rate.

Emblems and Inscriptions can be applied to any vehicle that can use Cosmetics.

2025 Games Workshop Ltd

(Source :

In diesem Bundle

Liste der inklusiven items in World of Tanks Modern Armor - Patricia Laserian


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