World of Warships: Legends – Eagle Union's Power

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 09/09/2024
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter, Strategy, Simulation
  • 0.01 Go

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We have a special offer for dedicated Azur Lane fans and everyone who wants to explore something new. This bundle features U.S. Tier VII Premium cruiser AL Baltimore and her Commander of the same name, both straight from the Azur Lane universe! What’s more, you can get them at a huge discount—80% less than if you purchased each separately.

This bundle includes:
- U.S. Tier VII Premium cruiser AL Baltimore
- U.S. Commander Baltimore
- Eagle Union flag

If you already have AL Baltimore in your Port, you'll receive 26,250,000 credits as compensation.

Please note that some content, including ships, permanent camouflages, containers, flags, patch symbols, and bases, can be used solely on the platform of purchase.

2017 Manjuu Co.,Ltd. & Yongshi Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
2017 Yostar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

World of Warships: Legends – Eagle Union's Power ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert


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