World of Warships: Legends — Seasoned Veteran

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 31/07/2023
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter, Strategy, Simulation
  • 0.01 Go

Preis von World of Warships: Legends — Seasoned Veteran ansehen

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Legends is 4 years young! Celebrate the Anniversary with this free set, including a new and exclusive version of famed cruiser Oleg.

This bundle includes:
Soviet Tier II Premium cruiser Oleg A
3 days of Premium Account
1x Commander Crate
2x Insignias
5x Promotion Orders
24x Anniversary camouflages
15x Rare Ship XP Boosters
15x Rare Credit Boosters
15x Rare Commander XP Boosters
15x Rare Global XP Boosters
15x Rare Battle Boosters

In case you already have Oleg A in your port, you'll receive compensation in the form of 1,500,000 credits.

Some content, such as Boosters, Commander XP, camouflages, etc., only becomes visible upon reaching a specific account level in the game.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

World of Warships: Legends — Seasoned Veteran ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert


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