Xbox family pack

  1. Games
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  • Erscheinungsdatum : 13/11/2020

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Get 2 essential games for the family with a discount:
1) Educational Games for Kids
2) Classic Snake Adventures

A well thought-out, smart, polished, ‘console quality’ educational game pack is out for your kids. Suitable for boys and girls from ages 3 to 18. A pack of 21 different games with 51 variations that educate in various ways like: reflexes, logic, math, memory and knowledge. Keep track of your child's progress with our statistics. All games have easy-to-learn controls with interesting and fun things to do. At last, a pack of games designed to educate and make your children smarter. The game runs natively in 4K when supported.

A 4K reboot of the classic retro game snake introduced in 1997. Remade with gorgeous hand-drawn 2d art and a 3d snake. The snake's mechanics are completely new. This 3d snake can bend, and change size and speed during game-play, something you won’t see in any other snake games. A state of the art game with the retro beloved gameplay of snake 97.

(Source :

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