You Suck at Parking™ Season 2 Parking Pass: Inferno

  1. Games
  • UnmanagedConsumable
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 01/12/2022
  • Racing & Flying

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Want to kick things up a notch and show what crazy driving and bad parking look like? We’re not talking about road rage but we know you’ll be all the rage with the hot items you get in Parking Pass Season 2: Inferno.

Burn other drivers in a wake of smoke with flaming decals, hot new models and even pick up some prehistoric friends for a ride.

With more than 150 items to customize your ride in a completely new biome, you’ll give new meaning to what it means to be on fire.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

You Suck at Parking™ Season 2 Parking Pass: Inferno ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert


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